I had NO idea

Underwear, a seemingly mundane part of our daily attire, has captured the curiosity of many. While most of us may not spend much time pondering the intricacies of undergarments, an interesting element has caught the attention of individuals worldwide — the little bow that often adorns the front of women’s underwear. In this article, we delve into the origins and significance of this decorative bow, unearthing the fascinating history that ties it to a bygone era.


One of the most intriguing aspects of the decorative bow is its connection to the past, specifically a time before the invention of elastic fabric. Research reveals that this bow isn’t just a whimsical accessory; it has a functional history dating back centuries.


Without elastic, drawstring ribbons secured with a bow at the front were employed to prevent underwear from slipping down.1 These ribbons were threaded through eyelet lace at the tops of undergarments, effectively keeping them in place. This practical solution speaks to an era when undergarments required creative means of support.

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